Your space for promoting commitment and sharing information, to facilitate dialogue and the echo of lived experiences, at the time of departure, during your mission and on your return. Facebook or LinkedIn, it depends.


In connection with our tutors and referents at the headquarters of La Guilde, you are invited to join the conversations to go further in your future or current mission. When it is finished, you will be happy to connect with the volunteer alumni who will help you in your job search. Opt for the Facebook channel before and during, for LinkedIn afterwards.

Network news

Enter into the conversation with those who, like you, forge the solidarity momentum of international volunteering.

Join the guild

Some of our members have half a century of contributions to their credit, others join us every day and boost the momentum necessary forx future shares. Join quickly, it's not very expensive and the sillage is so beautiful. 

Keep in touch with the Guild

To learn more together, our little ones pebbles digital by the roadside. 

and follow us on the networks

Relive the epic of the guild

To éclear the way in the light of legacies, some dates , here seal valuable moments.