• Microprojects

Equipment for six classrooms and construction of housing for teachers

Since 2011, the villagers of Thoumoughel and migrants from the Association for the Development of Thoumoughel have carried out a series of projects (water supply, health center) before tackling the problem of improving living conditions education for primary school children. This global project is being carried out in three phases: Renovation of the existing school (3 classrooms), badly damaged by a tornado (carried out in 2016) Expansion of the school (construction of two additional classrooms, adding to a classroom already partially built with municipal funds (completed in 2016) Additional equipment for classes and construction of housing for teachers (subject of this funding request) Additional equipment for classes is a priority to achieve full use of school, because the 6 existing classes are under-equipped (dilapidated equipment or even a total absence of furniture for the children of the preparatory class (kindergarten). In addition, the construction of residential accommodation for the 6 teachers planned ultimately proves necessary because the village is located in a very isolated region of Senegal, linked to the first urban center by a track that is difficult to pass through in the rainy season.By building housing for the teachers, the villagers wish to attract them and retain in order to prevent classes from remaining without a teacher for several months.

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To éclear the way in the light of legacies, some dates , promising seal valuable moments.