In Senegal, field research and development

By launching the Senegal 2023 - Youth, social and professional integration call for projects, La Guilde applies, with the French Development Agency and the Fondation de France, two guiding principles: the field and innovation. Presentations.

Whatsapp messages to link ultra-local organizations and public development aid: this is how to disseminate information throughout a country, in a fine mesh of its territory. " This involves on-site meetings, relays, message transfers » details Tom Gouffé, coordinator of La Guilde in Senegal. The goal, to reach structures far from the traditional information circuits. A strong goal of Senegal 2023 call for projects launched last March.

Endowed with 150 euros by theFrench Development Agency and Foundation of France, focused on the social and professional integration of Senegalese youth, the call is intended to explore new ways of working around micro-projects. An approach made possible by a permanent presence on site and characterized by three innovative criteria.

Location, accessibility and youth engagement

First specificity: a geographical distinction in order to favor territories poorly served by funding. " Donor mapping clearly shows white areas, explains Tom. The call for projects has therefore been refined according to whether it concerns four regions in the north and north-east, or the rest of the country. ". In " the rest of the country », only structures that have already applied for a micro-project session organized by La Guilde can propose a project. In the four regions of Kedougou, Kolda, Matam and Tambacounda, it is the opposite: the call is wide open.

This is the second specificity of the approach: in the targeted regions, a Senegalese structure can respond to the call without partnership with a French association. " This requires more extensive support, which is possible thanks to the presence of a coordinator in the field,  continues Tom. These are often small structures that do not have all the skills for drafting and monitoring projects. We support them on this call for projects, with a desire to increase their skills and, potentially, a future partnership with a French structure ».

Third specificity, the focus on the challenges of integrating young people who come to meet the priority needs of a country in the midst of a demographic boom. 75% of the country's population is under 35, the average age of Senegalese is 19. Combating the rural exodus and developing ways of integrating young people in the least developed areas therefore appears to be a crucial issue, to which a response should be provided.

Take root, carry the future

As in Beirut, Mosul or Bogotá, the permanent presence of La Guilde in the areas of action makes it possible to increasingly anchor activities as close as possible to the field, while developing innovative methods and creative encounters. Thus, before this Senegal 2023 call, the two Sport & Development seminars organized in Dakar by La Guilde with Play International. Or the first of the season outside the walls of the festival Les Ecrans de l'aventure, at the French Institute of Senegal: " an evening that greatly helped to increase the visibility of the actions undertaken in an original and inspiring context, with promising exchanges enthused Tom Gouffé. Further proof that meetings shape projects.

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