1 commitment, 2 missions: bounce back with La Guilde

In November 2022, Nina is going to Civic Service in Cuzco, Peru, for a project with children aged 4 to 13. Only, the political and social situation of the country is deteriorating rapidly, the host structure must interrupt the project. End of mission, return to France? No ! Presentation of the journey of a volunteer accompanied by La Guilde.

Arrived in Cuzco, Peru in November 2022 to help in a reception center for children after school, Nina saw the political and social context of the country deteriorate: the Peruvian president is deposed, the demonstrations are permanent and the visas do not are more issued to foreigners. " Out of fifteen volunteers in the association when I arrived, we ended up with two, for four projects in total “, she calculates. The situation is no longer tenable and the director decides to interrupt the mission because it cannot be maintained under good conditions – hoping that the project can resume later. Nina has been there for four months now.

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Now, what to do? The desire to be useful with children is always there, but where? " I was very well guided by La Guilde, greets Nina. Belinda (referent for volunteers in Latin America) helped me as soon as she knew the situation. She told me what I could do, where I could find another structure, those looking for Civic Services in the region. I immediately sent applications ". And it works: Gustavo, from the Fundacio Oasis in Bogotá, quickly reminds her: “ he was very open and understanding about my situation. He tried everything to help me and now I'm here, in Colombia! »

Welcomed by Diana, correspondent for La Guilde in Colombia, Nina quickly finds her bearings: the altitude, she is already used to it, the variable climate also. She continues her mission in two centres, one of which is already welcoming other volunteers. She who adored the contact with the children in Cuzco continues with those of Bogotá, while discovering another culture, more westernized, in the Colombian capital. " We learn a lot from them, she notes. Maybe even more than they learn from us! After giving English lessons in Peru, she now takes part in French lessons in Colombia.

Far from being discouraged by an unforeseen situation, Nina was able to find the resources, with the help of La Guilde, to continue her commitment and look to the future, and to others. In his words: " it is very interesting to have been with two different worlds. Everyone brings a different experience and combined, the two can bring me a lot in my construction ».

READ ALSO : For volunteering open to all backgrounds

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