• Microprojets

The Little Optimist Sailing Academy

Our programme hosts sailing experiences for neglected, marginalised, chronically ill and at risk children and youth from vulnerable communities. Many of whom have never experienced the ocean or been on a boat. The programme is unique and a first for South Africa as it allows vulnerable children to experience sailing for the first time. Our programme broadens the mindset of all participants, leading to a passion for sailing, ocean conservation and water safety. Our inclusive approach fosters optimism, resilience, acceptance and hope for many children coming from poor, abusive and violent communities, while creating a safe, exciting and creative platform to learn, debate and share. In this way our programme sparks positive change within individuals, while impacting families and communities on a broader scale. Our programme aims to be world class and truly exceptional in delivering this unique service to South Africa’s most marginalised communities. Our Academy is located in the heart of Cape Town, visible to tourists (and those visiting the V&A Waterfront) but still within reach of the communities it serves. This is an ideal setting to create awareness, address inequality and broaden recreational opportunities for youth at risk. The location poignantly captures the divide within South African society by balancing the Waterfront’s affluent (and commercial) business approach with social responsibility. The programme employs distinctive teaching methods specifically designed to upskill, inspire, support and impact youth at risk and those suffering from chronic or other serious diseases. The experiential learning on offer promotes individuality, creativity, stimulates a positive mindset and promotes physical and emotional well-being. At the same time, it removes barriers for those previously excluded and targets those who would typically not have access to opportunities or new learning exchanges. Our pilot project, in collaboration with the V&A Waterfront, has already shown positive results, paving the way for a more sustainable programme. At present we offer the course to around 20 children a month, utilising free space, on an ad hoc basis, with equipment on loan from supporters. With the Paris 2024 grant we will formalise the programme, in a secure and permanent space, paving the way to enrol more young children in the programme annually. Video of our first pilot programme held at V&A on 22 May 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxK2RbwT_zY#

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