• Microprojets

Mental Health Education Through Football

AK will train 30 school teachers working in disadvantaged communities to deliver vital mental health education through football coaching as part of the Physical Education curriculum. This will reach 3,015 young people (50% female, 50% male) directly on a regular basis as well as indirectly impacting thousands more. This will have a positive impact on knowledge, behaviour and attitude associated with mental health which will help address stigma and misinformation, lead to increased access to services and will improve emotional wellbeing. Additionally, AK will give 45,000 young people access to sport (a proven way to promote good mental health) through the donation of Kenyan made AK footballs, branded with key mental health messages. The manufacturing of AK balls will directly support 26 Kenyan AK employees living with a disability (employment is also proven to promote good mental health) who come from communities facing economic and social disadvantage.

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