• Microprojets

Active Mind Active Futures

Countries like Ecuador (LATAM) keep struggling with the effects of COVID19 which can be noticed in youths´ mental health: depression as result of school dropouts or human losses, reduced social skills, physical inactivity, obesity, generalized fear, stress, increase of alcohol consumption etc. Aggressiveness is another issue to tackle. Before pandemic, violence in different levels (including sexism) was already present in many households. This proposal uses the power of sport (football, baseball and table tennis), to strength mental health, a state of well-being in which the individual realizes its own potential, can cope with stressors, enjoy life and is able to contribute to one’s community. This project targets + 250 youths (ages 12 to 17) in 4 regions of Ecuador, with special focus to females and groups in human mobility (refugees), as the crisis of Venezuela is still a priority in social agenda. In addition, the project seeks to install mental health capabilities in +30 trainers and young leaders Innovative on-site activities, including training sessions, workshop and advocacy with the endorsement of more than 16 years of experience of using sport as a vehicle of change.

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