• Microprojets

Stay Active-Live Healthy

The ‘Stay Active- Live Healthy” aims to reintegrate young people from all Albania to social and quality life, after negative impact of Covid-19 pandemic. In our society, a problem that is not clearly visible or not often given its importance is the lack of physical activity, which has become more serious these last 2 years. According to recent research in Albania, most part of young people, especially aged 15-18 years old since the quarantine are closed and disconnected from social life, staying home, spending most of the time in internet. This has a serious impact on their general physical and mental health. To tackle this problem, in collaboration with Albanian National Youth Agency we aim to implement this project, on using sport as a tool to assist them to reintegrate to social life, develop several life competences, broaden their perspectives and support their emotional development and mental wellbeing. First we will raise capacities of 20 physical education teachers and 10 social workers/pschycologists, representatives from 10 high schools all over Albania to ensure disermination and sustainability of results. With our assistance the trained teachers and social workers/pschycologists will establish Sport Social Clubs in their schools, organize sport games and group discussion activities. They will prepare their team for the National Sport Championship Festival for young people that will take place in Darezeza Summer Camp in Fier, Albania. Epoka e Re will strengthly collaborate with the Albanian National Youth Agency, municipalities and local institutions for organization of the National Event (Sport Championship Festival) in June 2022.

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