• Microprojets

Football 4 WASH

Football 4 WASH (F4W) is an educative combination of football and health. It is a play-based, fun-filled approach to bring about behaviour change in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices through football. With its broad appeal, football is used as an entry-point to deliver a mixture of trainings, workshops, community-based promotional events, social marketing and sanitation and hygiene messaging. We create football drills themed around various WASH practices to engage young people through play and simultaneously inspire good hygiene and sanitation behaviour. The methodology will be used to deliver regular sessions and workshops for more than 3,000 children in primary schools and slum communities in Uganda. By doing so, our organization hopes to empower not only the children, but also their communities to move towards better health, well-being and hygiene practices. Football 4 WASH (F4W) focuses on the UN SDG 3 and even more specifically on target 3.3 which looks at combating water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases. F4W promotes good sanitation and hygienic behaviour among its 3,000 direct beneficiaries in schools and communities in Kampala, Uganda. By advancing vital information on WASH practices, we promote healthy lifestyles such as hand-washing with soap and running water at critical times plus good and consistent toilet use in schools and communities.

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